This page is for internal use by the Antipoverty Centre. It will create a contact record in our database. Quick add new contact public webpage First Name * Last Name * CURRENT EMPLOYER NOTE: If the person works in parliament (including politicians), please use the following format: Office of XX. EXAMPLE: Office of Senator Mehreen Faruqi; Office of Zoe Daniel MPCurrent EmployerJob Title Tag(s) * Political affiliation - select Political affiliation - Labor Liberal Nationals Greens Independent Email addressMobile phoneOffice numberCONTACT SOURCE EXAMPLE: Meeting, phone call, email, survey, event, workshop, etc Contact Source * FOR NOTE: Please provide a clear note with details of meeting or phone call including date, who was present, key items discussed, outcomes and actions. Note * Bulk email opt outNOTE: Select the 'bulk email opt out' box if you do not want this contact to receive any bulk email communication at all, for example, event invitations, media releases, updates, etc. Save Cancel